
Showing posts from February, 2018

how to get rid of acne around mouth

Readmore: obat ejakulasi dini permanen blackheads are gross and a pain in the buttto remove. most people turn to pore cleaning strips thatsupposedly work to help pull them out. in reality, all that the pricey strips seemto do is dry out the fragile skin on the nose and irritate it further, plus they can bequite painful to remove. if you are prone to blackheads and want somethingthat is quick and painless, then we have good news for you. an effective diy pack to clean blackheads! here is what you need: any mint toothpaste. small bowl to mix. spoon to mix. some ice cubes. method: squish out about 2 tablespoons of toothpastein a mixing bowl. mix 1 tablespoon of salt in the toothpaste. mix salt and toothpaste well to form a paste. wet your face and then apply this paste onthe affected area i.e. chin and nose. let it sit for around 5-10 minutes. you will probably feel a tingling sensationbut donĂ¢€™t worry its normal and it will pass away after few minutes. after 10 minutes, wet...